Update daily for update offline esedNOD32

Dapatkan update offline for esetnod32 dapat digunakan untuk eset v4 maupun eset v5. update eset di update tiap hari.

[Download] ess/eav home edition 32/64-bit v5.0.94 final

Blog esetnod32lover Download ess/eav home edition 32/64-bit v5.0.94 final, apa saja perbaikan dari versi sebelumnya :

Change log:

ESS Version
Fix: Parental control has issues with displaying of user accounts within Windows 7
Fix: too many redundant logs within parental control reports
Fix: issues with installation on other than default location
Fix: issues with re-activation of product in a case of no internet connection

EAV Version
Fix: issues with installation on other than default location
Fix: issues with re-activation of product in a case of no internet connection

http://www.enterupload.com/hyhne4785mwx/eav_nt64_enu.msi.html Eset Antivirus x64bit
http://www.enterupload.com/ur4hxyvjepkx/eav_nt32_enu.msi.html   Eset Antivirus x32bit
http://www.enterupload.com/nijg7ry0jpb8/ess_nt64_enu.msi.html Eset Smart Security x64bit
http://www.enterupload.com/gk27aevowg8w/ess_nt32_enu.msi.html   Eset Smart Security x32bit

semoga bermanfaat kawan.


solusi problen komputer said...

masih bingung juga menggnkan sofwr ini... hehehe..mksh postingnya...

Mas Syaif said...

@solusi problen komputer ini kan antivirus kang, tinggal install update pakai user sama password, selesai deh..update offline juga bisa :)

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